Ditch These Toxic Habits For A Happier You

woman doing stretches at the beach
It’s common after holiday indulgences to get back on track by getting rid of the things that are bad for you: alcohol, fast food and sweets. Now, while this is good for your physical self, why not remove the things that can be a drain on your mental health?

It’s common after holiday indulgences to get back on track by getting rid of the things that are bad for you: alcohol, fast food and sweets. Now, while this is good for your physical self, why not remove the things that can be a drain on your mental health? If this list sounds like you, time to clean house.

Past Dweller.

Are you constantly living in the past? Do the words “woulda, coulda, shoulda” play on repeat in your vocabulary? Focus on the now and life will be so much breezier.

Sleep Much?

Are you getting enough Z’s? It may sound simple, but a good night’s sleep can make a huge difference to your day. You’ll have more energy, be more productive and basically make better decisions. You won’t be craving those comfort donuts nearly as much.

No Judgement.

This is a tough one and will test the steeliest of resolves. But, next time you feel compelled to negatively comment on someone else’s success or failure, turn the focus on you. What are you doing that you’re proud of? What areas could do with a little improvement?

Goodbye to the Binge.

This applies to food, drink and (gasp) television. Sure, there’s no lack of streaming services or series to sink into (with a bowl of chips beside you). But, take a breather between episodes. Go for a walk, prepare a healthy snack or call Grandma.

And of Course, Positive Vibes Only.

Create a vision board, start a journal or surround yourself with your most positive friends. Here’s to a brighter year ahead!