8 Things to Do with Your Old Clothing

a woman looking at clothes on a rack
You’ve reached your goals – congrats! It’s time to declutter the closet! Here are eight things to do with that clothing that no longer fits you.

You’ve reached your goals – congrats! It’s time to declutter the closet! Here are eight things to do with that clothing that no longer fits you.

  1. Donate to a local charity.

    There are many women’s charities that will accept your clothing. Someone will love your items and be thankful for that amazing skirt you’ll never wear again.

  2. Recycle them!

    Admit it –  you have a few pieces you are only keeping because you can’t part with them. That sweater with holes and rips? It’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to toss them, but be eco-conscious. Recycle your used items at textile depots!

  3. Have a clothing swap party!

    Invite your friends over. Ask them to bring items from their closet that no longer fit them OR items they’ll no longer wear. Swap clothes over dinner (healthy, of course), and pick new items for your closet while a friend benefits from an item that you used to wear.

  4. Use the web.

    There are tons of buy and sell sites out there. Add your no-longer-needed items on there. You’ll make some extra cash as well – BONUS!

  5. Get crafty!

    Those old jeans, that old dress shirt and that colorful T-shirt can all be made into household items. Make pillow covers, handbags or even a quilt. It’s a great way to get creative and take up a new hobby. It will bring out your inner DIY diva!

  6. Store it.

    Can’t part with some sentimental items? Stock up on plastic containers and put your favs into storage.

  7. Return to its owner.

    We all have clothing in our closet that belongs to someone else. Simply return it!

  8. Have a garage sale.

    Save your clothing and even other items in your house and have an old-fashioned garage sale! You’ll make some extra cash, plus you’ll get to know your neighbors better.