30-Day Jumpstart Challenge

30-day jumpstart challenge
Are you ready to jumpstart your fitness journey? The 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge is a beginner-friendly crash course that teaches you simple healthy habits you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help support your weight loss goals.

Are you ready to jumpstart your fitness journey?

The 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge is a beginner-friendly crash course that teaches you simple healthy habits you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help support your weight loss goals. Each day you’ll complete a different fitness challenge related to eating right, getting active and improving your overall wellbeing. By the end of the 30 days, you’ll see results, feel fitter, and you’ll know how to make healthier choices that work for your lifestyle!

Here’s how it works:

  • Take Hydroxycut supplements twice a day before your two largest meals to make the most of your efforts. Not sure which Hydroxycut is right for you? Take our quiz.
  • Follow the Hydroxycut Weight Loss Program for a healthy meal plan and easy-to-follow activity guide. Download our app to access it on the go!
  • Complete each daily task in the 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge calendar below.

Remember, consistency with your diet, exercise and Hydroxycut supplements is key if you want to see results. So what are you waiting for? Get started today, and be on your way to getting fit and feeling amazing.

Start the 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge now!

Get your Hydroxycut supplements for that extra edge to help you boost your energy and reach your goals. Shop now.