Take it Inside: Ways to Stay Fit This Winter

Indoor Yoga
Unless you love the snow, your outdoor fitness routine is on hold until further notice. However, just because outside is on pause, it doesn’t mean that your workouts have to be.

Let’s state the obvious: it’s cold outside.

Unless you love the snow, your outdoor fitness routine is on hold until further notice. However, just because outside is on pause, it doesn’t mean that your workouts have to be. Luckily, there’s no shortage of indoor options to explore this winter. Add a few of these to your list.

Hit the treadmill or stationary bike.

Some avid runners and cyclers will stay outside, but you don’t have to. When you start to feel a chill, head to the gym and spend your time on a treadmill or a bike. If you really want to speed things up, join a spin class. We think you’re up for the challenge.

Do some circuit training.

You can fight winter boredom by keeping your workouts new and fresh – and guess what? You don’t even have to leave your house to reap the benefits. Start with some quick and easy bodyweight training, or flip on your favourite show and do a 30-minute workout while you watch.

Roll out a mat.

We could all use some more mindfulness in our lives, and yoga is perfect for when you want to unwind and stretch. Start things off right with a morning yoga sequence, or if you’re in the mood to sweat, try some hot yoga or Pilates after a hard day of work.

Grab the gloves.

Boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai… you have options. A combat sport like boxing is a great way to get a full-body workout and relieve stress. It’ll also train you to stay alert, keep balance and maintain strong posture.

Bring your favorites indoors.

Missing your usual soccer and basketball games? Get your friends together and find a place to play inside. Even better, sign up for a league and keep your game strong until it’s time to get back under the sun.

Climb those rocks.

Rock climbing is a personal puzzle that’ll flex both your muscles and your mind. Use strength and logic to move from rock to rock without slipping. You’ll reach the top in no time.

Take the stairs.

What do your home and your office have in common? That’s right, they both have stairs. At first, keep it simple by lunging or squatting into your steps. Next, set a goal for how many you can climb, then continuously strive to break that record. There’s nowhere to go but up.

Prep your meals.

Since you’ll be spending so much time inside, you might as well take advantage. Plan and prep healthy meals in advance, so that you’re covered for the next few days. You can also stick a few containers in the freezer for future convenience.