4 Exercises to Firm and Strengthen Your Butt

woman measuring her hips
Incorporate these exercises into your glute workout for great results. Many women will tell you that the one body part that they'd love to firm up!

Incorporate These Exercises Into Your Glute Workout For Great Results.

Many women will tell you that the one body part that they’d love to firm up most would be their butt! In fact, some women find that their legs are their favorite body part to train. For some, this may involve some simple toning of the lower half, but for others, it may mean adding some shape to their behind with some focused dedication. It’s not an impossible dream. You can shape a great butt; it just takes a little motivation, a well-thought-out diet and a solid glute workout. For all of you regular gym-goers who know the importance of squats and lunges, these exercises can add some variety to your glute workouts that will target and work your butt. And for those of you who are planning a workout for the first time, we’re going to give you a program that is ideal for you as well because the exercises are fairly simple and you can start at a weight that is comfortable and still get results. Perform these exercises once or twice a week and you’ll be well equipped to reach your goal of firming up your behind.

When you’re done your glute workout, don’t forget to stretch! It’s important to stretch and cool down to help minimize muscle and joint soreness and to keep your body relaxed when completing your workout. Remember to hold each stretch for about 15 to 20 seconds. For more information and some additional stretches, check out our stretching section.

Kneeling Kickbacks

Muscle Worked
Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps
Position & Movement
Kneel on a mat or on the floor with your knees and palms positioned flat on the floor. Slowly raise your left leg to the ceiling. Your right leg should be firmly bent on the floor behind you. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete your set. Once you’ve performed the set number of reps on your left leg, lower your leg back to starting position and repeat with the other leg.
To increase the difficulty of this exercise, add an ankle weight or resistance tubing to your leg. As you lift your leg, concentrate on squeezing your glutes.

Standing Cable Kickbacks

Muscle Worked
Glutes, hamstrings, obliques
Position & Movement
Attach a cuff on the low-cable pulley to your right ankle. Your body should be facing the weight stack, bending forward slightly with your left foot planted firmly on the ground. (Pick a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete your reps with proper form.) Slowly kick back your right leg behind you, squeezing your glutes as you lift. Pause slightly at the top. Slowly lower your right leg back to the starting position, perform the entire set and then repeat with the other leg.
This exercise can be performed at home by attaching resistance tubing to a shut door.

Kneeling Hip Extension

Muscle Worked
Glutes, hamstrings, obliques
Position & Movement
Kneel on the machine with your right knee bent in the front knee pad and the foot of the left leg positioned on the lever platform. Grip the handles at the front of the machine. Slowly push on the platform with the left foot. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete your set. Once you’ve performed the set number of reps on your left leg, lower your leg back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
Make sure your abs are tight and your back is flat throughout the movement.

Sitting Glute Stretch

Muscle Worked
Glutes, hamstrings, obliques
Position & Movement
Sit up straight with your left leg straight out in front of you and the right leg bent over the left. Turn your upper body to the right (toward your bent leg). Hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, then switch sides and repeat the stretch for the opposite leg.
You should feel a light stretch in your hip on the side of your bent leg.